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You aren’t about to let this year go without a big bang, otherwise known as your rocking New Year’s Eve party. Invite your friends, your neighbors, and yes, even your family members to say goodbye to this year and greet the new year with a big hug. We can help by setting you up with custom New Year’s Eve partyware. We’ve got the personalized cups, plates, napkins, and other accessories you need to give this year a fond farewell. Your party will be so awesome that next year is going to get jealous when it sees all your amazing partyware!

Drinks for a Year Gone By

Your guests are going to need a drink as they fondly remember the best and worst that this last year brought. Save your delicate champagne glasses for the countdown, and instead offer your guests custom New Year’s party cups. We have cups in many different styles to fit the mood of your party. If you’ve got the whole fancy cocktail vibe thing going on, try our beautiful frosted cups or sturdy stadium cups. If your party is more casual, our paper cups, soft plastic party cups, and Styrofoam cups can do just as good of a job! Once you find your cup style, pick your size and color, and then it’s off to My Limelight Designer, where you can begin personalizing the cup for your event. Our design tool lets you pick from numerous fonts, monograms, and stock art. You can also upload your own art and write any message you want.

If you ain’t got time to play the artist, then keep it simple by ordering one of our pre-designed New Year’s cups. No fuss needed!

Serving Up Goodies for New Year’s Eve

Aunt Martha is gearing up to start her big diet…tomorrow, of course. Just for tonight, serve up some delicious and devilish treats. Whether you are sticking with appetizers or are having your tribe over for a communal meal, we’ve got the custom New Year’s plates and napkins you need. Our personalized New Years party plates come in a variety of sizes and colors to fit the needs and theme of your party. Our square plates will show how hip you are, and our premium plates will help glam up your event. When everyone is done noshing down, you can toss these plates right into the recycling bin. No need to miss ringing in the new year because you were stuck behind a sink full of dirty dishes!

While you’re picking out your plates, don’t forget the napkins. You know Uncle Boris’s champagne is going to start flying when talking politics with your dad. We’ve got plenty of napkin sizes, fabrics, and colors to choose from.

Need a Final Touch?

Want to add one or two more final touches to help your New Year’s party stand out? How about ordering monogrammed hand towels for your bathroom, custom New Year’s party coasters, or personalized koozies? Your current collection of coasters may not be able to handle the sudden influx of cups, so give them a little backup with a new set of custom coasters with your special New Year’s design on them. You’ll be thankful you didn’t start the new year off with a bunch of table rings!